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Dna Oy - Internet Speed Test

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Speed test Dna Oy checking A network speed test measures your internet connection's data transfer rate per second. This test speed check is a quick process of testing the broadband connection parameters so you can know whether your slow internet is your devices' problem or its connection issue.

Online Dna Oy tracking,Internet speed check works by connecting to the internet-connected server automatically nearest to your location as there are various servers present all around the globe for speed tests.

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Average results for Dna Oy

29.47 Mb/s
Download Speed
11.01 Mb/s
Upload Speed
3272.23 ms
Ping Latency

DNA Oy Internet Speed Test: Measure Your Download, Upload Speed, and Ping

In today's fast-paced digital world, having a reliable and high-speed internet connection is crucial. Whether you're streaming, working remotely, or engaging in online gaming, knowing your internet speed is essential for a smooth and uninterrupted experience. With our DNA Oy Internet Speed Test, you can accurately measure your connection's performance and make informed decisions about your online activities.

Understanding the Metrics

The DNA Oy Internet Speed Test focuses on three key metrics that define the quality of your internet connection:

  1. Download Average Speed: This metric measures how quickly data is downloaded from the internet to your device. A higher download speed ensures smoother streaming, fast webpage loading, and efficient file downloads.

  2. Upload Average Speed: Upload speed measures the rate at which data is sent from your device to the internet. It's essential for activities like video conferencing, uploading files, and sharing content on social media.

  3. Ping: Ping, or latency, indicates the time it takes for data to travel from your device to a server and back. Lower ping values are crucial for real-time activities like online gaming and video conferencing.

Conducting the DNA Oy Internet Speed Test

Using the DNA Oy Internet Speed Test is straightforward and quick:

  1. Access the Test: Visit our dedicated DNA Oy Internet Speed Test page at

  2. Initiate the Test: Click the "Start Test" button to begin the speed test. The tool will measure your download speed, upload speed, and ping.

  3. Review the Results: Once the test is complete, you'll receive accurate measurements for all three metrics.

Enhancing Your Online Experience

Understanding the results of the DNA Oy Internet Speed Test can help you optimize your online activities:

  1. Download Speed: A faster download speed ensures smoother streaming and quicker downloads of files and content.

  2. Upload Speed: Adequate upload speed is essential for sharing files, participating in video conferences, and collaborating online.

  3. Ping and Latency: Gamers and real-time application users benefit from lower ping values, ensuring minimal lag and a seamless experience.

Powering Your Digital Lifestyle

A robust internet connection supports various aspects of your digital life:

  • Entertainment: Enjoy buffer-free streaming of movies, TV shows, and music.

  • Productivity: Stay productive with seamless video conferencing, file sharing, and remote work.

  • Gaming: Experience responsive and lag-free gaming sessions for an immersive gaming experience.

Elevating Your DNA Oy Internet Experience

Elevate your online experience by optimizing your DNA Oy internet connection:

  1. Choose the Right Plan: Select a DNA Oy plan that aligns with your usage requirements and offers the desired download and upload speeds.

  2. Improve Wi-Fi Coverage: Optimize your Wi-Fi coverage by placing your router strategically and minimizing signal obstructions.

  3. Stay Informed: Stay updated on DNA Oy's latest offerings and advancements in internet technology.

The DNA Oy Internet Speed Test empowers you to take control of your online experience. By understanding your connection's performance through accurate measurements of download speed, upload speed, and ping, you can make informed decisions to enhance your digital activities.

Discover the potential of a fast and reliable DNA Oy internet connection. Enjoy seamless streaming, efficient work, and enjoyable online experiences with the DNA Oy Internet Speed Test.

Fastest Cities for Atlantic Broadband

DATE Country Latency (ms) Jitter (ms) Download Speed (Kbps) Upload Speed (Kbps)
2022-01-20 Finland 39 128 11126 4037
2022-01-20 Finland 39 6 11935 4273
2022-01-20 Finland 40 7 11558 4011
2022-01-20 Finland 6 1 223956 172155
2022-01-19 Finland 15 4 397969 65726
2022-01-19 Finland 20 12 3511 4755
2022-01-19 Finland 18 11 2031 5244
2022-01-19 Finland 99 2 551 3399
2022-01-19 Finland 19 5 2690 1943
2022-01-19 Finland 18 7 2277 4051
2022-01-19 Finland 85 4 2210 3881
2022-01-19 Finland 45 9 2059 3790
2022-01-19 Finland 18 26 2893 3685
2022-01-19 Finland 17 3 2318 5023
2022-01-19 Finland 26 11 2862 5014
2022-01-19 Finland 20 10 2282 5074
2022-01-19 Finland 20 42 1519 4058
2022-01-19 Finland 18 54 2475 4892
2022-01-19 Finland 915 94 2218 163
2022-01-19 Finland 19 617 2909 4630
2022-01-19 Finland 18 46 2625 5205

Latest 20 Speed Tests

City Avg Download Speed (Mbps) Avg Upload Speed (Mbps) Avg Ping (ms)
Maekelae 739 43 3
Siuntio 578 90 5
Malminkartano 406 92 1
Matinkylae 363 38 3
Kärkölä 333 57 4
Toppila 238 76 14
Honkilahti 216 92 4
Espoonlahti 178 19 4
Kortela 177 29 22
Itaekeskus 168 22 86
Nummenkylae 166 38 2
Kilo 153 29 3
Kupittaa 152 35 2
Hakkila 142 44 4
Kuorevesi 124 56 36
Lahti 124 22 47
Pohjois-Tapiola 121 22 32
Jorvas 107 27 3
Kamppi 105 19 23
Hausjaervi 104 24 1


What is the Approx Download Speed of Dna Oy ?

Dna Oy Approx Download Speed is 29.47 Mb/s

What is the Approx Upload Speed of Dna Oy ?

Dna Oy Approx Upload Speed is 11.01 Mb/s

Dna Oy is safe?

Yes! Dna Oy is safe and our rating is 4.9

What is a location of Dna Oy?

For Location Check Google Map

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